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### Ideas for a new fic ###
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 07 Aoû 2003 01:18 am    Sujet du message: Ideas for a new fic Répondre en citant

If Marissa hadn't died in Hot Property - how would things have gone between her and Kerensky?

I am debating writing a fic to deal with this scenario... but I need a few suggestions.

1- Should Marissa still die at the end? (thus preserving, somewhat, the storyline of the series)
2- Should it work around the other stories in the season2 episodes? (e.g. Kerensky talks to Marissa when Simon is getting his kidney transplant, etc.)
3- Should Marissa have a full confrontation with the Commission?
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
Messages: 3178
Localisation: Partout / Everywhere
MessagePosté le: 07 Aoû 2003 02:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Alyssa,

Option 1: i would have loved to see her surviving, let's say it would be a maid instead of her dying and she was about to enter her apartment but got bothered on the way by a male neighbor desperatly trying to flirt. She sees the explosion and asks him to hide her, then disguises herself and runs away with him for a while...

Option 2: what if he would tell her he wanted more just to test her and make her tell him the truth ? she could give in maybe...

Option 3: yes, but not alone. With Kerensky and Largo's help maybe to help track the Commission down and get rid of them once and for all... or at least get rid of some of them...
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 07 Aoû 2003 02:51 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Those are great ideas Fio!! icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif
I especially like for option 1 - as I was trying to decide how to work things into the storyline.
Maybe Kerensky can be a hero, and off a couple of nasty commission members.... Ooooo! icon_wink.gif
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2003
Messages: 3178
Localisation: Partout / Everywhere
MessagePosté le: 07 Aoû 2003 08:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As long as the hero comes out of it alive...

I have put this section in Post-it so we can use it to exchange and discuss ideas for fan fictions.

I was thinking about Sullivan and his girlfriend, it would have been fun if someone would have developped the missing part where he goes out and party.... after all, we see Cardignac having fun in season 2...

Then it would be Simon's turn. With or without the twins ? or a new girl...

And Kerensky, another russian girl spy ? or the ones he saw in season 1...

Dernière édition par fio le 07 Aoû 2003 08:13 pm, édité 1 fois
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Genre: Genre:Femelle
Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2003
Messages: 347
Localisation: Calgary, Canada
MessagePosté le: 07 Aoû 2003 08:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It would be good to see what really happened to Sullivan when he was out with Celeste. What if she got him into more than just the cocaine.... for example, what if she was a thief or something as well? There are so many possibilities.

And of course, Simon and the twins... it has never really been said what happened after that Christmas morning! lol
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